Personal Details
Doctor Name Dr. Radhika Chopra
Primary Specialty Pedodontics & Preventive Dentistry
Experience 19+ Years
Education & Training
Medical Education Master of Dental Surgery (MDS) in Pedodontics & Preventive Dentistry
Residency Ghaziabad
Practice Areas Root Canal Treatment (Pulpotomy & Pulpectomy), Sedation (GA in Pediatric Dentistry), Non-invasive techniques in Pediatric Dentistry
Certifications Indian Dental Association
Indian Society of Pedodontics & Preventive Dentistry
South Asian Academy of Pediatric Dentistry
Indian Society of Dental Traumatology

Social Media


Dr Radhika Chopra is an Pediatric Dentist with more than 19+ years of experience. Dr Radhika is certified with the Pedodontics & Preventive Dentistry Society of India.

She has a good academic as well as clinical experience at various renowned dental academies. She has been Consultant Pediatric dentist with an established exclusive Pediatric Dental Practice in Ghaziabad, Former Professor, Department of Pediatric Dentistry, ITS Dental College, Ghaziabad and Former Academic visitor: Melbourne Dental School, Australia (1 year).

We can read her published articles in various National and International Journals of Pedodontics.


  • Pediatric Dentist
  • General Dentist


  • Pulpotomy & Pulpectomy
  • Sedation (GA in Pediatric Dentistry)
  • Management of fearful dental patient
  • Dental & Medical Emergencies
  • Management of fearful dental patient
  • Extractions
  • Restorations
  • Diagnosis & Treatment Planning

Bringing you the smile that suits you

Niyama Dental Care brings you a well-equipped specialty dental clinic in Noida and Ghaziabad. We bring you the facility specially designed to make every visit and sitting cozy and comfortable for kids and adults for a premium experience. All our experienced doctors excel in their fields to cater to various dentistry problems.